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Columbia College

Virtual Only


Columbia College

700 Cougar St.
Columbia, MO 65216 United States



July 13


9:00 am CDT - 5:00 pm CDT

At our Retirement Education Foundation events, our goal is to address your biggest retirement concerns and give you the tools and confidence to tackle them. We believe that there are two key components to making a good decision: having the knowledge to know the right course of action and having the courage to do the right thing.

Through our courses held at University of Missouri, Columbia College, University of Michigan, Eastern Michigan University, Oakland University, and Michigan State University (Novi campus), we believe we provide part of the equation by educating those 50 years or older on the essential aspects of retirement. The information needed to make good decisions in retirement is different from the information needed when accumulating your wealth while working. When working, there is time to correct poor decisions. In retirement, a poor decision could mean having to go back to work or substantially alter one’s quality of life. As a result, learning how to preserve and distribute your wealth helps keep your retirement goals on schedule.

In our course, we spend over 8 hours teaching income planning, estate planning and increasing alpha through proper tax planning. We share our four-bucket asset allocation approach, whereby having contractually guaranteed* income that you can never outlive, you are able to be a more disciplined investor in the market. With sufficient income that you can never outlive, learning effective strategies to invest in the market to achieve long-term growth is an essential part of courses. We discuss a variety of strategies to help ensure the legacy that you desire and discuss what to look out for so that you don’t mistakenly disinherit your heirs. Finally, we talk about health care issues and how to plan for long-term care coverage without purchasing long term care insurance.
Having a financial strategy is essential for reaching your retirement goals. Having knowledge is essential to making good decisions.

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