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University of Michigan – Dearborn

Two-Day Course

Virtual or In-Person Class Available

The $29 registration includes you and a guest.
** Proceeds from course go to charity **


University of Michigan – Dearborn
19000 Hubbard Dr.
Dearborn, MI 48126 United States



October 19


10:00 am EDT - 6:00 pm EDT

The Retirement Education Foundation is a non-profit foundation designed to provide those within 10 years of retirement or in retirement the tools to have the financial literacy they need to be able to enjoy the retirement they have earned.

Through our courses held at local universities in Michigan and Missouri we will spend 8-hours teaching you about income planning, advanced tax planning, social security planning, estate planning, legacy planning, health and long-term care planning, asset allocation through our 4-bucket asset allocation approach, how investments are NOT the #1 factor for outliving your money or not, the keys to becoming a more disciplined investor in the stock market, how to find and evaluate a financial advisor, and so much more…

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